Surgical dentistry
Surgical dentistry is involved with the surgical management and treatment of teeth and the surrounding jaw bones
Surgical dentistry
Oral and maxillofacial surgery is one of the branches of dentistry and deals with a group of defects and diseases that can affect the face, jaws, and soft and hard tissues of the mouth as well as covering the adjacent body parts of the neck and head.
In fact, this specialty covers a large number of procedures that will enhance the healing process, including those for cosmetic reasons that improve the general appearance and external shape of the face.
An oral and maxillofacial surgeon performs a large number of surgical procedures, the most important of which are:
Apex cutting: When there is an abscess on a specific tooth and healing is not possible by conventional treatment by treating the pulp (nerve), the doctor resort to this procedure as he removes the end of the root and scrapes the inflamed area surrounding it, and then prepares a hole at the end of the root and fill it with a biocompatible substance by means of Entering through the gums.
A wisdom tooth extraction: The wisdom tooth is the last tooth to develop and appear in the mouth, and when the size of the jaw is large enough to allow the space for it, it erupts naturally but often fails to appear completely as it erupts partially or remains buried under the gums and may lead to pain and swelling And inflammation of the surrounding gingival tissue, and sometimes it leads to the formation of bags and tumors in the jaws, and in this case, surgical extraction of these teeth is necessary.
Cleft lip and cleft palate repair: This is a congenital defect that results from failure of parts of the nose and mouth to grow together properly, leading to a cleft in the lip or roof of the mouth or both. Usually, the oral and maxillofacial surgeon participates in cosmetic correction of these cracks.
Surgical orthodontics: a joint treatment between orthodontics and surgery, and it requires a joint treatment plan and coordination between the orthodontist and surgery specialist. These cases require the beginning of the traditional orthodontic treatment, and the orthodontist prepares the case for surgical intervention where the teeth overlap with each other correctly after surgery.
Surgical orthodontics provides treatment for malocclusion, jaw and tooth deformities that cannot be corrected by conventional orthodontics. Surgical procedures and orthodontic treatment aim to place teeth, jaw bones and associated tissues in the appropriate position.