Aesthetic Gum Treatment
To prevent gum disease, it is important to have a regular check-up and a professional dental cleaning by your dentist in the dental clinic. This process should be repeated approximately once every six months.
It is very important to keep in mind the fact that the main reason for losing teeth over the age of forty is due to gum disease. However, you can hinder teeth loss through your regular visits to your dentist.
Aesthetic Gum Treatment
Daily brushing of your teeth with a toothbrush and a toothpaste cannot remove all the hard and calcified deposits that form over time on teeth. Furthermore, tooth brushing may not remove plaque in hard-to-reach areas between the teeth and gums. As a result, tooth decay and gum disease may occur.
To prevent gum disease, it is important to have a regular check-up and a professional dental cleaning by your dentist in the dental clinic. This process should be repeated approximately once every six months.
It is very important to keep in mind the fact that the main reason for losing teeth over the age of forty is due to gum disease. However, you can hinder teeth loss through your regular visits to your dentist.
Gummy smile
A gummy smile, known as excessive gingival display, is when too much gum tissue shows above the top teeth while smiling. People with gummy smile might feel self-conscious or that their smile looks less attractive
To treat this condition, the dentist uses modern "plastic surgery" techniques to treat the gummy smile, correct gum lines and increase the length of teeth that appear small. During this procedure, extra gum tissue is removed, the gum is reshaped and more teeth length is exposed.
Previously, this treatment required surgical procedures resulting in a lot of discomfort and demanding a long recovery period after surgery. Today, applying advanced methods of treatment and utilizing LASER, has reduced the patient's discomfort greatly and eliminated bleeding during or after treatment.
The use of these techniques results in very pleasant aesthetic results, as the smile does not complete without the aesthetic harmony of gums and teeth.
Gum pigmentation
Gum pigmentation treatment is ideal for people who suffer from dark gums. Gums can be treated using an advanced LASER. One visit to your dentist will make your gums look pink in color instead of dark. The results you get last for 2-3 years. After 2- 3 years you will need to repeat the procedure again in order to remove gum pigmentation and have pink gums again.